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Public Works


For information regarding the public works department, you may contact the Rose Hill Town Hall at 910-289-3159 or Blake Parker, Public Utilities Director at 910-289-2000 or 910-284-0402.

Garbage and Recycling Collection

Garbage collection is every Thursday and collected by Tons of Trash.  Please put containers out on Wenesday night to ensure collection on Thursday.  Recycling collection is every other Thursday.  For a complete recycling schedule please view the Town Calendar on the Homepage.

Yard debris is collected on Monday.


White goods and other "junk" items are collected on Friday.  Please call the Town Hall at (910) 289-3159 to schedule this pickup.

***Please note: 

The Town of Rose Hill will no longer pick up televisions or computer monitors.  There is a statewide ban in effect on the disposal of said items.  A recycling bin is provided at the main landfill at 325 Landfill Road, Rose Hill and it is the responsibility of the resident to dispose of these items properly.  If these items are not disposed of properly there is a $25.00 fine for each item.  It is also encouraged to recycle items such as fax machines, telephones, answering machines, radios, VCRs, DVDs, and cables/adapters.


Wastewater Treatment Plant

The wastewater treatment plant is located on Charlie Teachey Road in Rose Hill, N.C.  The Town has two wells which are located on West Ridge Street and Sixth Street.  For more information on the wastewater plant you may call 910-289-4498.


Building/Property Maintenance

The Town of Rose Hill  maintains all town property, grounds and parks.

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